Become a member of lifepoint church

Becoming a member at LifePoint Church is a heartfelt commitment to one another. It's a promise to protect, care for, support, and work together to strengthen our church family.

To start your journey toward membership at LifePoint, you'll need to be baptized as a believer by immersion, whether here at LifePoint or at another place. If you haven't been baptized yet, you can find more information about this meaningful step on our Baptism page.

If you've already been baptized, your next step is to attend a Membership Class. Fill in the contact details below and we will get back to you on a date. This class serves two main purposes:

  1. To provide a relaxed environment where you can learn about our church's beliefs on various topics. Everyone is welcome, even if you're just exploring and not yet considering membership.
  2. To introduce potential members to our church’s ministries and Elders.
If you feel led to move forward with membership, two of our elders will meet with you. This meeting has a few important goals:

  • To hear the story of how you came to faith in the Lord.
  • To ensure you understand what church membership means.
  • To confirm there are no biblical concerns about you joining LifePoint as a covenant member.
  • To answer any questions you might have and help you find ways to connect within our community.

The final step is to publicly affirm your commitment to our church family. We welcome new members several times a year. At these gatherings, each person joining affirms their commitment by taking vows and is officially received into membership at LifePoint Church.

Before each membership meeting, we share the names of those planning to join and invite anyone with concerns to contact us promptly.

If you have any questions about becoming a member, please reach out to us. We’re here to help!

Membership Form

Fill out the form below to get started.