

Stanton Petersen


I was originally born in South Africa and arrived in America in 2009. I pursued my Master's of Divinity at Moody Theological Seminary and am currently pursuing The Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching at The Masters Seminary in California. I have a wonderful wife named Rebecca, and together we have four children. I love God's Word because through it, I get to know Him more beautifully with every verse I read. Each Word reveals a new facet of His character, and one cannot but have a deep sense of awe and reverence for Him. It is this growing passion for knowing Him that fuels my desire to share these incredible truths with others. What an honor and privilege it is to share the message of who He is in all His splendor and glory!

Kyle Pankonin


We are Kyle and Kari Pankonin. We have attended LifePoint Church since 2014. I serve as the chairman of the elder board. I enjoy serving the Lord through leadership, teaching adult Sunday school, sometimes preaching, and doing everything possible to make the church function at a high level. My wife loves to serve on the worship planning committee, playing piano, and organizing events to establish deeper community at our church. We have worked together at Red Rock Chiropractic Center since April of 2000 and have built a large and thriving practice. When not working Kyle likes to fish, hunt, or do just about anything in nature. Kari loves to plan vacations, play piano, and spend time with her family. We love this church and love serving the Lord together. Thank you for your interest in LifePoint church.

Murl Rupp


My wife, Mary and I raised three sons and are engaged in farming at Westbrook. I value the willingness of parishioners to openly share their faith, what they have experienced and learned of the Christian life. We strive to be a welcoming church, encourage fellowship and opportunities to serve Him. To a troubled world, I suggest the truth which king David expresses in Psalm 69:5-7, "Find rest oh my soul in God alone, my hope comes from Him. He is my rock and salvation. 

Don Dietz


We live in the Lamberton area, where I work for the electric utility serving the region. Tammy is a retired massage therapist. We have three children and five grandchildren. Many verses are important to me, but the ones I remind myself of while serving in this role are in Philippians 2:3-4: "Consider others as more important than yourself. Having the proper mindset, look out not only for your own interests but also for the interests of others."

BJ Madson


I serve in the worship leading role at our church as well as an elder. My wife Pam and I share a deep love for the outdoors and enjoy camping together whenever we can. We find that spending time in nature refreshes our spirits and brings us closer to God. In my role at the church, I am passionate about leading others in worship and helping to foster a strong, supportive community. Pam and I feel blessed to be part of such a wonderful congregation and to have the opportunity to serve in ways that align with our passions and values.